Marina Manager: Michael Donaldson - 425-890-2196
1. Anyone visiting or using the Bridgehaven Community Club Association (BCCA) Marina (hereafter referred to as “marina”) or its facilities does so at his/her own risk.
BCCA does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to property or persons within the marina. Children under 14 are not allowed on the dock without supervision.
2. BCCA shall not be liable or responsible in any manner for a vessel's safekeeping or condition of its tackle, apparel, fixtures, equipment and/or furnishings. BCCA will not be liable or responsible
for any personal injuries suffered by owner(s) or guest(s) arising from any cause within the marina premises or on adjacent premises.
3. No boat may be moored at the marina unless a signed, authorized Marina Rental Contract is on file with BCCA. A valid state registration number must be displayed on the hull of all boats within the
marina and must match rental contract information registered with BCCA. Furthermore, boat owners must provide proof of liability insurance coverage on their boat in the amount of no less than
$100,000. A copy of the registration certificate and insurance policy must be provided by the boat owner and on file with BCCA.
4. Replacing a boat under the rental contract is permitted if the owner(s) remains the same upon provision of a copy of Washington State registration of new boat and compliance with all other
provisions of the Marina Slip Rental Contract. Transfer of the boat ownership otherwise, terminates the rental contract.
5. Only BCCA members in good standing have the right to available moorage on a first come first serve basis as specified on the Marina Waiting List as maintained by the Marina Manager. Upon
termination of a boat owner's Marina Slip Rental Contract, the slip is offered to the next BCCA member on the waiting List. There are no "grandfather clauses". The next BCCA member on the waiting
list will be offered the right to rent the slip. Transfer of the BCCA Marina Slip Rental Contract with transfer of BCCA property is not permitted.
6. Subleasing of a slip is permitted only to another BCCA member who has a signed, authorized Marina Sublease Contract on file with BCCA. Subleasing a slip is allowed for a maximum of three (3)
months in any twelve (12) month period. The monthly moorage rate must not exceed the usual rate that was charged in conjunction with the BCCA Marina Slip Rental Contract (In other words: Sub-lease
fee may be equal to or less than 1/12th of the Marina Slip Rental Fee per month).
7. Limited guest moorage at the marina is available on a first come first serve basis for BCCA members and their guests, with duration not to exceed a period of three days. Boat and owner information
must be registered with the Marina Manager. The Marina Manager may permit guest moorage in empty slips with the owner's permission. The Marina Manager's phone number will be posted at the BCCA
8. NO WAKES please! By law, you are responsible for your wake. (DEAD SLOW! No observable wake.) All Coast Guard rules of the road apply and shall be followed here.
9. Boats moored in the marina must be completely seaworthy at all times. If a boat is found to be sinking, abandoned or derelict, an attempt will be made to contact the owner. If the owner cannot be
contacted or refuses to take action, the boat will be removed or the problem otherwise corrected at the owner's expense and liability.
10. Water pollution shall be controlled as per provisions of the Shoreline Water Management Act and Coast Guard Rules and Regulations. Any spill requiring cleanup operation shall be reported
immediately. The boat owner(s) causing pollution in the area is/are responsible for any fines and/or cleanup costs. Flushing of heads or dumping of holding tanks is prohibited. All boats must be
equipped with Coast Guard approved marine sanitation devices.
11. Arrangements to reserve the picnic pavilion must be made on line. To reserve the pavilion, click on the "Reserve Pavilion"
link on the calendar page and fill out the form. Be sure and check for the date you want to reserve by checking the calendar first to see if the date you want is
still available. People using the any of the marina facilities must adhere to all marina rules, carry out all garbage and leave all areas
presentable. BCCA members with guests are responsible to see that all guests abide by these rules.
12. No open fires or barbecues on floats.
13. Living aboard boats in the marina is not permitted.
14. Keep all loading and access areas open.
15. Maximum length for boats moored in the marina is 30 ft. A maximum boat length for a 20 ft. slip is 20 ft. A maximum boat length for a 30 ft. slip is 30 ft. If a boat is over these maximum slip
sizes, owners (slip renter) must discuss this with the Marina Manager.
16. The “Common Recreation Area” is not a boat and trailer storage area. Anyone storing boats or trailers longer than day use need to contact the marina manager for permission or let the marina
manager know of any problem with regard to leaving a boat or trailer longer than day use.