President: Kevin Flood
Vice President: David Morgan
Secretary: Marianne Glorioso
Treasurer: David Suveges
Member at Large: Lynne Mackey-Mosley
All meetings will be held at the Marina Pavilion. Board meetings begin at 5:00pm. The Annual Meeting begins at 12:00pm.
- December 16, 2024 (Board)
- March 17, 2025 (Board)
- June 16, 2025 (Board)
- August 18, 2025 (Board)
- September 20, 2025 (Annual Meeting 12:00pm)
Follow Up to 12/16/24 BCCA Meeting
Meeting held December 30, 2024, 12:00 noon
Kevin Flood, President
David Morgan, Vice-President
Dave Suveges, Treasurer
Marianne Glorioso, Secretary
- Call to Order – 12:00 noon, 12/30/24
The final quotes for the approved maintenance project of replacing aging diesel generator with new standby propane generator as discussed
in 12/16 board meeting, were reviewed. Jess Morris recommended the following:
Old diesel standby generator to be replaced by new propane one.Costs include Empire Electric for generator @$16,000, Peak Propane@ $5,100,
pad materials@ $180, Labor tank@$450.Total $21,730.This does not include tax and other miscellaneous installation expenses. The water commission will attempt to sell the old generator to possibly
defray these expenses.
- After reviewing the other vendors’ bids, Kevin Flood made the motion to approve these maintenance items listed above at a total of $25,000, to include tax and
miscellaneous expenses, such as piping or wiring, seconded by Dave Suveges. Motion is approved. These maintenance expenses are approved.
Meeting adjourned.
Bridgehaven Community Club Association
Board Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2024
5:00pm Marina Pavilion
Board Member Attendees:
- President – Kevin Flood
- Vice President – David Morgan
- Treasurer – David Suveges
- Member at Large – Lynne Mackey-Moseley
- Secretary – Marianne Glorioso
Water Commission Attendees:
- Jess & Rhonda Morris
- Bill & Marillyn Bryant
Community Members:
- Dave Janowski
- Joan Flood
- Stacey Dore
- Roger Gillette
- Don Williams
- Andy Lingle
- Nancy Schulberg
- Greg Mason
- Janet Batchelder
- Call to Order – 5:00pm by President Kevin Flood
- Annual Meeting Minutes from September 21, 2024 were already approved and published on the BCCA website for all members to review.
- Water Commission Report
- 2024 projects: Jess reviewed the extensive 2024 completed projects, which included the following: Located, exercised and painted water valves and hydrants; Completed
the Seattle Dr. main extension; Peabody/Blue Jay pressure reducing valves and regulators serviced and rebuilt; Monitoring hardware is on site; Water tanks have been cleaned; Heat pump installed in
the pump house; Electronic meters installed – equipment and software in place, and 1st round of meter read at 100%; Will read monthly to establish a historical reference for maintenance
and trouble calls.
- 2025 Capital projects
- New standby generator for the 10HP pump. Current generator is diesel, old, requires manual start & synchronization. Budget has already been approved
to replace this with a propane fueled generator w/auto start & sync. Still need a bid to remove the old generator.
- Bluejay Lane PRV vault replacement – current vault too far below grade without following closed space entry protocols. Accessing the values and pressure
regulators is very limited. Engineering reports need to be updated with new drawings, and submitted to DOH for approvals. Once approved permitting and construction bidding to take
- New 3 phase, efficient, solid-state converter for 40HP pump needed. Existing converter is rotary type and installed in 1999.
- Update Geographic Information System (GIS) Last update was 2012. Helps the system track maintenance, repairs, etc.
- 2025 Noncapital projects
- Leak detection – special meters that will be used to help locate leaks; these will be swapped out for standard meters around suspected leaks
- Web page updates to be done
- Check into potential of government funding and/or low-cost loans to help pay for capital projects
- Architecture Committee Report:
- Need more volunteers for this committee;
- Questions raised by a community member about what to do with a shed that encroaches on property lines, too close to the bulkhead and blocks views – Kevin will
address this question
- Fencing around storage shed and adding a lock box – quotes are still being worked on, to be presented next meeting. Budget for these items has been approved,
but need quotes to proceed.
- Marina Report:
- Per the discussions at the Annual meeting – Board wishes to form a Repairs and Dredging Committee – with community members and board support. David Janowski, Don
Williams, Curt Schnaible, have offered to be part of the committee. Mike Donaldson (Marina Manager) would be part of the committee.
- Bellingham Marine has already provided estimates on fixing the docks, and more details are needed to proceed. David Funk would also be a good resource on
- The attorney representing other marinas has been contacted on how to proceed with the permits for a Maintenance Contract/Dredging of the marina. Kevin/Dave to
follow up and work with the committee on how this would proceed. This could take a few years to get settled. Reserves are being added to each year to fund this.
- Need to research if it is possible that we could get some emergency or government grants for this process due to our proximity to the bridge/emergency access point
on the channel. Would we have to bury the electric cables?
- Treasury Report:
- All dues/water bills have been sent to residents
- Dave S reviewed the current balance sheet
- Dave S made a motion to secure a new CD for $150,000, seconded by David M. Motion approved.
- Discussions about dues and amount in reserves bought up by a community member. Could we use some of the reserves to give back to residents? Could the $$ of
dues be reduced? How much do we need to have on reserves?
- It was pointed out that once funds are in reserves, they cannot be moved from account to account, even if the overall balance is stated together. The
amount of the 2025 dues was voted on by the community and approved at the Annual Meeting.
- Questions were addressed about the amount needed for failure of water towers, etc. This is in the Water reserves. Questions were addressed on how much is needed for
dredging, marina, etc. (refer to marina report)
- Can balance statements be provided more often? BCCA Balance statements are available to any resident who requests a copy. Not online as this is not a secure web
- Existing Business Update:
- Based upon the traffic study on Thorndyke, progress has been made about possibly reducing the speed limit, speed bumps or speed tables. Kevin will be following
up further on this.
- The Admiral’s Row Assoc will be contacted about BCCA continuing to have access to the beach, fixing the steps down to the beach, and assessing the erosion close to
the Pavilion. Is it possible to shore up this section up? Needs to be a mutual decision. Kevin/Dave to address this and report back by next meeting.
- Miscellaneous Discussions – New Business:
- Lynne inquired about how to do an out-reach program, to assess what needs the community as a whole may have. Some sort of survey?
- Stressed that official BCCA business is to be on the site, not on Facebook. Facebook is for social communications. The Board continues to
encourage members to reach out to board members with concerns, and also to come to the meetings with questions.
- Is it possible to have a portal just for members, and can we update the website more to be relevant to members. Marianne will check with website
administrator on this and report back next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:00pm by Kevin.
Next meeting: March 17th, 5:00pm, Marina Pavilion
Respectfully Submitted,
Marianne Glorioso
Bridgehaven Community Club Association
AUGUST 27, 2024
5:00PM Marina Pavilion
Board Attendees:
- Curt Schnaible, President
- Carl Scott, Vice President/Architectural Committee Chair
- Treasurer: David Suveges (via phone)
- Marianne Glorioso, Member at Large
Additional Attendees:
- Bill Bryant, Water Utility Commissioner
- Marilyn Byant, Assistant Treasurer
- Jess Morris, Water Utility Commissioner
Call to Order:
- Meeting called to order 5:00pm by President Schnaible
Reading and approval of previous meeting minutes:
- Curt reviewed minutes from August 10th Board Meeting
- Marianne moved that the minutes to be approved, seconded by Curt. Minutes approved
- Reminder to encourage residents interesting in being a board member to contact a board member to be on the ballot (2 weeks prior to the General Meeting scheduled for
September 21st) Reminder is posted on BCCA website
Water Board Proposed 2025 Budget Review:
- Reviewed Water Board Proposed 2025 Budget against 2023 & 2024 actuals and budget numbers
- Questions on various line items asked and answered
- Motion to approve Water Board budget made by Curt, seconded by Marianne, motion approved
BCCA Proposed 2025 Budget Review:
- Reviewed BCCA Proposed 2025 Budget against 2023 & 2024 actuals and budget numbers
- Questions on various line items asked and answered
- Modifications to Marina Maintenance amount, and facilities for security fencing of storage shed proposed and will be updated
- Motion to approve BCCA Proposed 2025 Budget with modifications made by Curt, seconded by David, motion approved
Meeting is adjourned: 6:00pm
Next meeting scheduled is General Meeting, September 21st, 12:00pm (noon), at the Marina Pavilion
Bridgehaven Community Club Association
Board Executive Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2024
5:00 PM Marina Pavilion
Board attendees:
Curt Schnaible, President
Carl Scott, Vice President/Architectural Committee Chair
David Suveges, Treasurer
Marianne Glorioso, Member at Large
Lynne Mackey-Moseley, Secretary
Additional Attendees:
Bill Bryant, Water Utility Commissioner
Jess Morris, Water Utility Commission
Marilyn Bryant, Water Commission Acting Secretary
Deb Reithmeyer - Emergency Communications/Preparedness
Michael Donaldson
Diana Schnaible, Architecture Committee Member
Janet Batchelder
Greg Mason
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:05 by President Schnaible.
Reading an approval of previous meeting minutes
- A hard copy was provided to attendees for review. Curt read them aloud.
- Marianne moved that the minutes be approved and Dave seconded this motion. The Board voted to approve the previous meeting minutes.
Emergency Preparedness
- Deb Reithmeyer has moved current Community emergency preparedness supplies to the new pumphouse shelter and provided a comprehensive list of supplies needed. She has
provided non-perishable medical supplies to several Bridgehaven residents.
- Deb and Dave will create a Form for residents of Bridgehaven and surrounding areas to gather information about the level of medical experience of residents, location
of privately owned generators and other emergency supplies.
- Deb and Dave will also convert the Emergency Preparedness Needs list and ask residents if they have equipment/supplies that they would be willing to donate to the
supplies stored in the pumphouse shelter.
- Deb will set up another Grab and Go seminar for residents and adjacent neighborhoods for this fall.
- Information about emergency procedures, including use of pumphouse shelter as a command center, will be updated on the website.
Water Commission report -
- Consumer Confidence Report has been sent out to all Bridgehaven Water customers. Marilyn will arrange for this to be posted on the
- The Commission is continuing to work on setting up the PRV tank cleaning and pump house/marina meters, including the pipe rack, which has been designed and is
provisionally scheduled to be built next week. The Water Commission laptop will be delivered and set up for easier water use monitoring this week.
- The Commission is anticipating delivery of 10-20 more meters soon to complete the last few residential replacements/installations
- The Commision is seeking bids for a 10hp and 40hp generators to be on hand for emergency use. Purchase has been approved in the Water Commission budget.
- The Commission will be updating signed at the north end of Robin Lane to provide notification of restricted access
Architecture committee report
- Carl Scott reports Wayne Beck on Finch Lane has received his building permit and will begin construction soon. Carl expressed an interest in staying on the
Architecture Committee, which was discussed and approved by the Board.
- Caroline Brotherton has notified the Board that she will be stepping down from the Architecture Committee. The Board will seek another member.
Marina report
- Matt Maynard is stepping down as Marina Manager. Michael Donaldson volunteered to take on this position, which was discussed and approved by the Board. The Board
would like to thank Matt for all of his hard work over the years.
- The dock floats continue to buckle at low tide. Several Board members met with Keith Korkuis from Bellingham Marina to explore options to resolve this issue.
Possible solutions include new whalers, with the long term solution being dredging, the options for which the Community will need to consider soon. It is recommended that the dock repairs take place
before the winter storms. Dave will work with Michael to set up a Google phone number to provide backup support for the Marina Manager when they are not available to address immediate
- Mike, Curt and Carl will look to arrange a time to discuss the legal process for dredging and maintenance permits for the Marina with a lawyer from Port Townsend.
This information will be used to start forming a budget proposal for the Community to review and discuss. Don will seek advice from the Cape George Marina, who recently completed this
- The Board discussed a process for formalizing requests to use the Guest Dock and updated the guidelines for use, including implementing a 3 consecutive nights
maximum at $20/night with exceptions for emergencies. Dave will draft a booking Form for the website to request the name of the boat owner, proof of insurance, boat registration number, name of the
Bridgehaven homeowner requesting use or associated with the guest boat owner. This will be posted on the website with Marina use rules. Curt moved that the Board approve this, Dave seconded it and
the Board voted to approve.
Treasury report
- Marilyn Bryant reports that our current balance is ~$1,035,000. She also reported that ~$330,000 has been allocated to Marina dredging reserves.
- Next Board Meeting Scheduled for August 26, 2024 at 5pm at the Marina Pavilion to develop the 2025 annual budget prior to the BCCA Annual Meeting.
Miscellaneous discussions
- Possible Speed Abatement Measures on Thorndyke Road - Carl, Curt and Bob Lewendowski (Thorndyke Road resident) met with the County Commissioner Brotherton who
promised he would have his engineering department complete a feasibility study for Thorndyke Road and provide this information within 30 days.
- Culvert under North Beach Road - continues to be blocked by debris and oysters. Carl will arrange an inspection to determine next steps.
- Open Positions for Board - Curt and Carl will be stepping down from the Board. Thank you for your service to our Community as Board members. They both plan to
continue to support Bridgehaven in other capacities. David will continue as a Board member. A total of 4 positions open in September. Marianne and Lynne will put their names forward for the ballot.
Lynne posted a notice on Facebook and the website and will update these notifications and draft the ballot. Ballots need to be posted to residences by the end of August and will also be available at
the Annual Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:28
BCCA Annual Meeting Confirmed for September 21, 2024 at 11am at the Marina Pavilion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynne Mackey-Moseley
Bridgehaven Community Club Association
Board Executive Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2024
5:00 PM Marina Pavilion
Board attendees:
Curt Schnaible, President
Carl Scott, Vice President/Architectural Committee Chair
David Suveges, Treasurer (By phone)
Marianne Glorioso, Member at large
Lynne Mackey-Moseley, Secretary
Additional Attendees:
Bill Bryant, Water Utility Commissioner
Jess Morris, Water Utility Commissioner
Jose Escalera, Water Utility Manager
Marilyn Bryant, Water Commission Acting Secretary
Matt Maynard, Marina Manager/Administrator
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:03 by President Schnaible.
Reading an approval of previous meeting minutes
- A hard copy was provided to attendees for review. Curt read them aloud.
- Curt moved that the minutes be approved and Marilyn Bryant seconded this motion. The Board voted to approve the previous meeting minutes.
Water Commission report -
Please refer to May 31, 2024 minutes provided by Marilyn Bryant, Water Commission Acting Secretary. Key points mentioned during the BCCA Board meeting:
- The water billing program is included in the purchase of the new meters.
- The water board will fund a new laptop which Jose will use to track usage and monitor the water system.
- Concern raised about a white truck trespassing on Charles Lund’s property (Olympic Shores) near one of the reservoirs. Board discussed the possibility of the Water
Commission installing more security measures and private property signs, which it will consider.
Architecture committee report
- Carl Scott reports the Kesslers are waiting for work permits from the County and hope to start building in July of this year.
Marina report
- Matt Maynard proposed that the Board consider putting a lock on the water outlet on the dock over winter to avoid another pipe bursting. Residents who need water
access can use the outlet at the boat ramp or contact Matt for access during winter months.
- Matt shared that the dock floats are buckled at low tide, caused by build up of silt underneath them. Keith Korkuis from Bellingham Marina will meet with Matt the
week of June 17th to explore options to resolve this issue.
- Now three security cameras at the marina.
- All slips are full. Two people are on the waiting list.
Treasury report
- Marilyn Bryant reports that our current balance is ~$1,030,000 with $31,000 interest earned. Marilyn renewed current CDs and will investigate other investment
- Marianne Glorioso reported Bridgehaven apparel orders of over $1200 by community members. After discussion, the Board approved further merchandise orders of t-shirts
and hoodies for the upcoming community picnic. The order will be submitted this week and arrive the week before the picnic. She will explore options for possible Bridgehaven hat
Miscellaneous discussions
- Rock Point Oyster Company provided an updated letter of guidelines for use of the spit near their farms. This has been posted at the Upper Bridgehaven Notice
Board and in the Spit bus shelter.
- Dog Waste Bag Dispenser was donated for installation on the outhouse on the Marina to encourage dog walkers to clean up pet waste. A similar bag dispenser has
been donated to and installed at the Upper Bridgehaven bus shelter.
- Directory Update - Dave Suveges, Rod Barbee and Lynne Mackey-Moseley are tentatively scheduled to meet on June 23rd to investigate secure options for a
digital version of the Community Directory that can be accessed via the Bridgehaven website by residents and owners only, and used for the Notifii Connect resident communication system.
- Marina Gate upgrades - Lynne to contact Kevin Ferguson at Empire Electric to discuss options for upgrading accessibility via the large marina gate at the top
of the drive. Lynne to contact other gate/fence companies to pursue quotes after this discussion.
- Security cameras at the Marina - David Janowski is exploring options to link the security cameras to the Bridgehaven website or possibly the water commission
meter system. May need to set up a web address. Board approved exploring this option.
- Possible Speed Abatement Measures on Thorndyke Road - The Board discussed supporting a petition addressing the speeding vehicle issues on Thorndyke Road. Bob
Lewendowski (sp?) is planning to meet with Greg Brotherton, Jefferson County Commissioner, about possible speed abatement measures, including speed tables, along Thorndyke Road. He has organized a
petition outside of Bridgehaven asking for the county to lower the speed limit to 25 mph and install speed tables similar to the ones used by Kitsap County. He has asked for Bridgehaven’s support and
it was agreed upon unanimously by the Board. Curt will draft a letter of support to go along with the petition to be presented to Commissioner Brotherton.
Meeting adjourned at 6:02.
Next Meeting Scheduled for August 12, 2024 at 5pm at the Marina Pavilion
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynne Mackey-Moseley
Bridgehaven Community Club Association
April 1, 2024
5:00PM Marina Pavilion
Board Attendees:
- Curt Schnaible, President
- Carl Scott, Vice President/Architectural Committee Chair
- Treasurer: David Suveges (via phone)
- Marianne Glorioso, Member at Large
- Lynne Mackey-Mosely, Secretary – not present
Additional Attendees:
- Bill Bryant, Water Utility Commissioner
- Jess Morris, Water Utility Commissioner
- Diana Schnaible, Rhonda Morris, Dave Janowski, Nancy Schulberg
Call to Order:
- Meeting called to order 5:10pm by President Schnaible
Reading and approval of previous meeting minutes:
- Hard copy provided to attendees for review. Curt read aloud
- Marianne moved minutes to be approved, seconded by Curt. Minutes approved
Water Board Report:
- Bids for the heat pump for the pump house were presented, and approved
- Bids for lighting in the pump house were presented and approved
- 5 year tank cleaning is scheduled for April
- PRV upgrade parts have been ordered
- Comprehensive Water Plan is due for 2o year review. Will work with the state to make sure that we are in compliance.
- Water maps need upgrading to show new extensions and repairs – this is being worked on with Jose for options and vendors
- Questions were asked if we have seen any usage abnormalities yet – too early to tell as testing is being conducted
Architecture Committee Report:
- A lot on Finch has submitted building information, meets all Association specifications
Marina Report:
- All slips are full, with 2 people on the waiting list
- Faucet leak has been repaired, all water is back on
Treasury Report:
- Notices are going out on past due water bills
- Checking into additional long term CD options for further interest advantages
Misc. Discussions:
- Requests have been made for Bridgehaven Sweatshirt/TeeShirts. Judy Oberto has contacted the original printer, and the artwork is still available.
Preliminary pricing, colors, etc. from Tuna Graphics has been submitted. Marianne and Nancy will work on best ways for ordering and distribution. Marianne will contact Tuna Graphics for further
order information
- Curt has had contact with the county regarding speed signs on Thorndyke – the county will be placing signs later this month for speed monitoring, and future
discussions with the county will happen after the 90-day period is over to see what the next steps may be
- Curt also had discussions with the county regarding the hidden driveway signs on Thorndyke, and it looks like the signs will be moved, with updates on timing to
- Bids to clean, repair and repaint the Bus Stops were presented and approved. Timeline to be confirmed
- Nancy Schulberg presented Curt with a list of several of the landscapers leaving business cards, flyers on members’ driveways. Curt will contact these
individuals to reinforce the non-solicitation policy. It was agreed that vendors could put cards in the Bus Stops, but not on private property. Any further cards picked up will be sent to Curt
to contact.
- Dave Janowski updated the status of the Mariano Camera Security system. This is up and running, monitoring the parking lot and the marina via live web cam,
with data held for approx., 30 days. No private property is in the cameras’ view. Additional equipment (such as lights, etc. are still being considered, along with possible other
cameras. Any resident who has issues at the marina should contact the Marina Manager, Dave or Curt for assistance. Curt will order “This area is being monitored” signs and have them
- Dave S. continued discussions about Community communications – need accurate contact info for homeowners to proceed with testing
Meeting is adjourned: 6:00pm
Next meeting scheduled for June 10th, 5:00pm at the Marina Pavilion
Bridgehaven Community Club Association
January 29th 2024
5:00 PM Marina Pavilion
Board attendees:
Curt Schnaible, President
Carl Scott, Vice President/Architectural Committee Chair
David Suveges, Treasurer
Marianne Glorioso, Member at large
Lynne Mackey-Moseley, Secretary
Additional Attendees:
Bill Bryant, Water Utility Commissioner
Jess Morris, Water Utility Commissioner
Jose Escalera, Water Utility Manager
Marilyn Bryant, Diana Schnaible, Terry Rubin, Rhonda Morris, Andy Lingle, Steve Sundet, Kevin Ferguson
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:03 by President Schnaible.
Reading an approval of previous meeting minutes
- A hard copy was provided to attendees for review. Curt read them aloud, followed by discussion about the Water Utility status.
- Curt moved that the minutes be approved and Terry Rubin seconded this motion. The Board voted to approve the previous meeting minutes.
Water board report
- Jess Morris approved to be a Water Utility Commissioner. He clarified that the Water Commissioners’ duties are to support Jose Escalera in his role as Water Utility
Manager. Need replacement wellhead at pumphouse and heat pump info. They have cost estimates, but the Board asked for further bids. Jose Escalera strongly advised residents to install a PRV (pressure
releasing valve). Pressure at the top of the hill is at ~40-45 pounds per minute and ~80 pounds per minute on the Spit.
- Jess Morris reports that the Water Utility has $140,000 in their general budget for upgrades and a reserve for catastrophic events of $240,000. They are currently
providing lighting and electricity to the new shed.
- The Water Commission is creating written guidelines for easier access to facilities as needed in case of emergencies or the need for immediate access by non-water
board members.
- The Water Commissioners proposed, and the Board approved, $22,000 for maintenance of the PRV station for monitors and alarms, as well as to replace the wellhead in
the pumphouse and the heat pump. Jess will seek more bids for cost comparison to complete light and electrical updates to the new storage/pump shed. The Board will review updated estimates once all
cost estimates are received.
- The Water Utility has been a separate entity for more than 20 years and finances cannot be commingled, though Marilyn Bryant reports that finances are reported to
the federal government as one entity. They are two separate but interdependent entities.
Architecture committee report
- Carl Scott reports that no new permits are being processed at this time, as no new requests have been submitted.
Marina report
- David Janowski installed a new video camera system at the Marina, but it is not working as expected. He is now researching new options and will coordinate with the
Board re: installation, ongoing monitoring and operating costs.
Treasury report
- Dave Suveges reported that our current balance is $1,035,473 with $70,720 outstanding water and service dues.
Miscellaneous discussions
- Radar Speed Limit Signs: Andy Lingle proposed the installation of solar powered radar speed signs such as the radarsign T-600 Solar Powered radar speed sign,
which has an approximate cost of $4200 per sign as per the estimate shared by Andy. Andy recommended that a sign be placed on the south entrance to the Community on South Point past Thorndyke, and on either side of the hill where the houses start on Thorndyke for a total of 3 signs. He will also
investigate other similar tools and cost estimates for those as a comparison for the Board. Board agreed this is a need for community safety.
- Culvert: Carl Scott reported concerns re: the culvert efficacy at the south end of the Spit as it appears to be deteriorating and may need a sleeve to
reinforce it. Carl will look into options and cost estimates.
- Notifii Connect resident communication: Dave Suveges proposed that the community set up a robocall system, Notifii Connect or similar, for easier notification
re: local/community emergencies and events. This can be linked to each resident’s phone number or email. Residents can opt in or out at any time. The cost to the community would be $99/month. Dave
will explore information re: use of Community Directory as it is updated this year to set up a possible trial. Dave asks that we ensure that all contact information for our home owners is updated and as accurate as possible for this proposed trial.
- Road safety along Thorndyke Road - Lynne Mackey-Moseley raised concerns about the lack of lighting at the bus stop on the corner of Eagleview and Thorndyke
Roads. Lynne would like to approach Jefferson County about the possibility of the installation of a streetlight at this corner. Also, the 25 mph “Hidden Driveways” sign is located after 3
hidden driveways on Thorndyke as you enter the Community from traveling north from Coyle. The Board agreed that Lynne could draft a letter to Jefferson County on behalf of the Community regarding
these issues and forward to Curt for review.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15.
Next Meeting Scheduled for April 8, 2024 at 5pm at the Marina Pavilion
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynne Mackey-Moseley
Access minutes from past Board Meetings here.