Since Bridgehaven is located just south of Port Ludlow, we enjoy the same mild climate. Average summer temperatures are 70 in the daytime and 50 at night. Average winter temperature is 35 at night. Mean annual daily temperature is 56. Average annual rainfall is less that 20 inches.
The climate in the Port Ludlow/Bridgehaven area is warmer with more sunny days than many other areas of the Northwest. The daily temperature is about 4 degrees warmer than Seattle's and it get less
rain. Port Ludlow and Bridgehaven average 200 "Sunshine days" per year. The moderate year-round climate results from the influence of the water temperatures of Puget Sound and the protection of the
Olympic Mountains. Mild summer temperatures rise to a few 80 days in August, and winters are seldom below freezing, with only a few light snowfalls each year. Its lower rainfall is because of its
location in the "rain-shadow" of the Olympic Mountains. Rain clouds from the Pacific Ocean drop most of their rain on the Olympic Range and have less moisture left as they pass over the eastern
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This climate information is from the Port Ludlow Chamber of Commerce website.