The BCCA Annual meeting is on Sept. 21 at noon in the Marina Pavilion. All are encouraged to attend.
Intereseted in serving the communitiy? There are four openings on the Board of Directors (see below) and one on the Architectural Committee. Contact a current Board member (at least two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting) if you want to be considered for any of the positions.
You will be recieving a ballot in the mail to elect candidates as well as approve other items. If you're unable to make the meeting, be sure to mail your ballot in prior to the annual meeting.
A big thanks to Matt Maynard for over five years of service as Bridgehaven's Marina Manager.
MIchael Donaldson has volunteered to take over the position.
It's that time again! Our Community Board of Directors has 4 of the 5 Board positions open this September.
If you are interested, please reach out to any current Board member to put your name forward and/or to ask any questions you may have about this process. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our BCCA community. We look forward to hearing from you!
The process of upgrading our water meters has begun. If you see someone on their hands and knees out by your meter don’t be alarmed. The installation should only take ten minutes. They will not knock on your door unless they see the water is running. This entire project should be completed by mid November.
We have been having people who are using our Marina leave the gate open, and some who have left the gate/door at the entrance to the dock open as
People have also noticed non-Bridgehaven members using the Marina facilities. The whole marina area is off limits to any who are not members in good standing in the club.
Some have tried to justify their presence down there by saying they are a friend or relative of "so and so", who is a member in good standing. The rule is that if you have guests who want
to use the marina, then YOU the BCCA member, must be physically present there too.
Bridgehaven renters do not have marina priviledges.
Check it out! Bridgehaven FaceBook Site
Since we are a small community and want to keep our "conversations" for our ears only, we set it up as what
is called a "closed group". That means that the only people that will be able to read or write posts are those who are BCCA Members. When you post to the Bridgehaven FB page, members only
will get notifications of the posts, and may reply. If you would like to try it out, request membership there on the site. Requests will be screened to make sure they are membrs of our
community. Link above.
The "Login" link is used by the webmaster only to make changes to the website. If you want to communicate with Bridgehaven members, please use the Bridgehaven FaceBook page. Otherwise use the "Contacts" page to contact us directly via phone or email. Thanks!